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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Antheroporum

2. Antheroporum harmandii Gagnepain, Notul. Syst. (Paris). 3: 181. 1915.

肿荚豆 zhong jia dou

Trees, to 10 m tall. Branchlets yellowish velutinous, with scattered minute lenticels. Leaves 7- or 9(-13)-foliolate; rachis 30-40 cm, including petiole 6-8 cm; petiolules 6-9 mm, grayish velutinous; leaflet blades oblong, 11-18 × 3-5 cm, leathery, abaxially densely sericeous, adaxially shiny, secondary veins 5-8 on each side of midvein, base rounded and asym­metric, apex acute. Racemes axillary, usually 2-5 congested apically on branches to form a large panicle, 7-15 cm, velu­tinous. Pedicel ca. 3 mm, slender. Flowers ca. 8 mm. Calyx ca. 4 × 3 mm, puberulent. Corolla pale pink; standard obcordate. Ovary with trichomes, with 2 ovules. Legume oblong-rhom­boid, ca. 8 × 3.5 cm, densely yellow velutinous, apex shortly straight beaked. Seed chestnut-brown, ca. 1.8 × 1.4 cm, shiny. Fl. Mar-Oct, fr. Jul-Nov.

Mixed woodlands in valleys; 200-1000 m. W Guangxi, SW Gui­zhou, SE and SW Yunnan [Vietnam].


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