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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Athyriaceae | Athyrium

37. Athyrium adscendens Ching, Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occid. Sin. 6(2): 100. 1986.

斜羽蹄盖蕨 xie yu ti gai jue

Rhizomes erect, apex densely clothed with dark brown, narrowly lanceolate scales. Fronds caespitose; fertile fronds 60-70 cm; stipe blackish brown at base, upward brown-stramineous, shiny, 18-27 cm, ca. 3 mm in diam., base similarly scaly, upward glabrate; lamina 2-pinnate, lanceolate, 36-40 × 6-7 cm, base slightly narrowed, apex shortly acuminate; pinnae 20-25 pairs, alternate, ascending, sessile; basal 2 or 3 pairs of pinnae slightly shortened, broadly lanceolate, 3-5 cm; middle pinnae lanceolate, falcate, 5.5-6 × ca. 1.8 cm at base, base equilateral, truncate, pinnate, apex acuminate; pinnules ca. 16 pairs, spreading; basal pinnules slightly larger, narrowly oblong, 7-10 × ca. 3 mm, obtuse, with 2 or 3 short teeth at apex, subequilateral, decurrent and adnate to wing of costa; upper pinnules gradually reduced, somewhat auriculate on basal acroscopic side; veins visible abaxially, pinnate in pinnules, lateral veins 5 pairs, simple, sometimes lower veins forked. Lamina papery when dried, glabrate, dark brown adaxially, pale brown abaxially; rachis brown-stramineous, with squarrose-glandular hairs abaxially, costae brown, glabrate abaxially. Sori oblong, distal sori J-shaped or horseshoe-shaped, inframedial on acroscopic veins, 4-6 pairs per pinnule; indusia pale brown, oblong, J-shaped, or horseshoe-shaped, membranous, subentire, erose, or ciliate at margin, persistent. Perispore surface without folds, with granular ornamentation.

● Shrub groves, meadows; 3000-3200 m. W Sichuan (Daxiangling, Emei Shan).


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