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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 19 | Berberidaceae | Berberis

43. Berberis hypoxantha C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 5(3): 6. 1985.

黄背小檗 huang bei xiao bo

Shrubs, evergreen, to 2 m tall. Branches black-gray, terete, not spinose. Petiole 4-6 mm; leaf blade abaxially becoming stramineous when dry, adaxially green, oblong or broadly ovate, 3-4 × 2-2.5 cm, leathery, abaxially not pruinose, with inconspicuous lateral and reticulate veins, adaxially with slightly conspicuous lateral veins, base cuneate, apex rounded. Flowers unknown. Fruit stalk 1.8-2 cm, glabrous; berry green (immature), 4-12-fascicled, oblong, pruinose, style not persistent. Fl. unknown, fr. May.

● Forest margins at mountain summits. SE Yunnan (Xichou).


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