26. Calamus walkeri Hance, J. Bot. 12: 266. 1874.
多果省藤 duo guo sheng teng
Calamus faberi Beccari; C. faberi var. brevispicatus (C. F. Wei) S. J. Pei & San Y. Chen; C. tonkinensis Beccari; C. tonkinensis var. brevispicatus C. F. Wei; Palmijuncus walkeri (Hance) Kuntze.
Stems clustered, climbing, to 15 m, to 3 cm in diam. Leaf sheaths green with gray-brown hairs, with scattered, yellowish, black-tipped, flattened spines to 2.5 cm; ocreas densely bristly; knees present; flagella to 5 m; rachis to 1.5 m with to 40 linear-lanceolate pinnae per side, these regularly arranged; middle pinnae 30-50 cm, 1.5-2 cm wide at mid-point, adaxial veins and margins bristly; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 5.5 m, flagellate; inflorescence bracts tubular. Fruits yellowish, ovoid, to 1.2 × 1 cm.
Lowland rain forests. Guangdong, Hainan [Vietnam].
The fruits are eaten.
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