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14. Carex burttii Noltie, Edinburgh J. Bot. 50: 186. 1993.

伯特薹草 bo te tai cao

Carex vesiculosa Boott f. pallida Kükenthal; C. vesiculosa var. pallida (Kükenthal) R. C. Srivastava.

Rhizome thick, woody, without stolons. Culms tufted, 40-80 × 0.3-0.5 cm, trigonous, smooth. Leaves basal and cauline, slightly exceeding culms, flat, 2-3.5 mm wide, hispid when young; persistent sheaths reddish purple, margins fibrillose. Involucral bracts leafy, slightly longer than inflorescence branches, long sheathed. Panicle compound, 18-36 cm; inflorescence branches linear, 4-15 × 3-6 cm, 2-4 per node; peduncles of inflorescence branches stiff, bluntly trigonous; inflorescence axes trigonous, hairy; bractlets with conspicuous long filiform points; cladoprophylls utriculiform, without a flower, several veined and hairy abaxially. Spikes few, bisexual, androgynous, arising from cladoprophylls, suberect, 5-12 mm; male part of spike nearly as long as female part; male glumes pale brownish white, with dense brown spots and short lines, lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, 2.4-3.5 mm, membranous, obtuse, mucronate; anthers ca. 2 mm; female glumes ovate, 1.5-2.5 mm, membranous, glabrous, obtusely emarginate, mucronate. Utricles whitish green, with chestnut-brown spots, suberect at maturity, slightly longer than body of glumes, narrowly elliptic, trigonous, inflated, 2.4-2.9 mm, distal part sparsely hairy, sessile, apex attenuate into a beak ca. 1/3 length of utricle, hispid, orifice distinctly 2-toothed. Nutlets not seen; stigmas 3. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Aug-Oct.

Wet cliffs, on rocks, among bamboo; ca. 2300 m. SE Xizang (Cona: Nyam Jang Chu) [Bhutan, India (Sikkim)].


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