20. Celastrus kusanoi Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. 30(1): 60. 1911.
圆叶南蛇藤 yuan ye nan she teng
Deciduous and small twining shrubs; branchlets often with very short and brown setae, often glabrescent when mature; lenticels sparse and small, broadly elliptic to suborbicular. Petioles 1.5-2.8(-3.5) cm; leaf blade broadly elliptic to orbicular, 6-10 × 4-9(-10) cm, approximately membranous during fruiting, adaxially generally with brownish white short hairs at vein base, abaxially glabrous, base rounded, rarely very widely cuneate or approximately cordate, only distal margin slightly serrate, apex widely rounded and mucronate; secondary veins 3 or 4 pairs, curved, veinlets netting. Cymes axillary or terminal at top of axillary branches, small, 3-7-flowered; rachis ca. 1 cm, pubescence of very short brown setae; pedicels 2-3 mm, jointed at base, pubescence of very short setae. Sepals rectangular-triangular, apex flat and obtuse, ca. 1 mm; petals narrowly rectangular-obovate, ca. 4 mm, margin slightly erose. Disk thin, entire. Stamens ca. 3 mm, papillate-hairy on lower part of filament. Ovary approximately globose; stigma 3-lobed, extrorse. Capsule approximately globose, 7-10 mm wide, persistent sepals small and truncate; valves transversely rugose; fructiferous stipes ca. 2 cm, with very short setae. Seeds globose or subcrescentiform, 3.5-5 mm, blackish brown when ripe.
● Mountain forests; 300-2500 m. Hainan, Taiwan.
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