39. Fimbristylis simaoensis Y. Y. Qian, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 17: 128. 1997.
思茅飘拂草 si mao piao fu cao
Rhizomes short. Culms tufted, 30-60 cm tall, slender, flatly 3-angled, striate, glabrous, with few leaves at base. Leaves shorter than culm; sheath pale yellow, glabrous; leaf blade 1.5-3 mm wide, flat, adaxially sparsely hairy, margin involute. Involucral bracts 3-6, leaflike, longer than inflorescence, margin ciliate. Inflorescence a compound anthela; rays 2-7, 0.5-7 cm, glabrous. Spikelets solitary, ovoid to narrowly ovoid, 4-10 × 2-4 mm, with 6-20 flowers. Glumes spirally imbricate, brown, elliptic, 2.2-2.4 mm, membranous, 3-veined forming an abaxial keel, midvein excurrent into a mucro. Stamen 1; anther yellow, oblong. Style long and compressed, basally inflated, apically ciliate; stigmas 2. Nutlet dark brown, shortly stipitate, broadly obovoid, 1-1.2 mm, biconvex, with hexagonal reticulation. Fl. Aug-Sep.
● Moist grasslands; ca. 1300 m. S Yunnan (Simao Diqu).
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