4a. Fragaria nilgerrensis var. nilgerrensis
黄毛草莓(原变种) huang mao cao mei (yuan bian zhong)
Fragaria hayatae Makino; F. nilgerrensis subsp. hayatae (Makino) Staudt.
Leaves abaxially yellow-brown sericeous, not papillate, hairs dense and long on veins.
Valley forests, meadows on mountain slopes; 700--3000 m. Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan [E India, Nepal, Sikkim, N Vietnam].
Two of us (Ikeda and Ohba) believe that the plants from Taiwan should be separated as Fragaria hayatae (Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 26: 285. 1912; F. nilgerrensis subsp. hayatae; F. vesca var. minor), which differs from F. nilgerrensis in having 1(--3)-flowered inflorescences and petals obovate to broadly so, white with a reddish purple base; F. nilgerrensis, on the other hand, has (1 or)2--5(or 6)-flowered inflorescences and petals orbicular, white throughout.