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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Celastraceae | Gymnosporia

2. Gymnosporia berberoides W. W. Smith, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 10: 38. 1917.

小檗裸实 xiao bo luo shi

Maytenus berberoides (W. W. Smith) S. J. Pei & Y. H. Li.

Thorny shrubs, 1-2 m tall; branches sturdy, spiny, 1-5 cm, thorns terminal, sometimes axillary; twigs and petioles densely pubescent with short hairs, gradually glabrescent with age. Petiole 3-8 mm; leaf blade broadly obovate or elliptic, 1.2-5 × 1-3 cm, thickly papery or leathery, base cuneate, margin shallowly serrate or subentire, apex rounded or emarginate; lateral veins 4-7 pairs, tenuous, webbing with veinlets. Cymes axillary in spiny short branches, monochasial or first dichotomous; peduncle tenuous and long, 1-2 cm; pedicel 5-8 mm; bracts shorter than ca. 1 mm. Flowers white-green, 5-8 mm in diam.; sepals triangular-ovate or oblong-ovate; petals oblong or oblong-ovate. Filament ca. 1.5 mm. Ovary with thick and short style. Capsule subobovoid, 1-1.2 cm, 3-valved. Seeds ellipsoid, 3-4 mm in diam., basally covered by white aril. Fl. Apr-Oct, fr. Jul-Dec.

● River valleys, riversides; 300-2400 m. Sichuan, Yunnan.


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