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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Aquifoliaceae | Ilex

200. Ilex kusanoi Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. 30(1): 55. 1911.

兰屿冬青 lan yu dong qing

Ilex poneantha Koidzumi; I. taiwaniana Hayata.

Trees deciduous, glabrous throughout. Second year’s branchlets castaneous when dry, shiny, lenticels conspicuous; spur branchlets ca. 1 cm, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., rugose with scales and leaf scars. Stipules deltoid, minute; petiole 5-14 mm, adaxially sulcate, distal end narrowly winged by decurrent leaf base; leaf blade olivaceous when dry, ovate, 4-8.5 × 2.5-5 cm, thickly papery, midvein slightly impressed adaxially, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, evident abaxially, obscure adaxially, reticulate veins evident abaxially, base acute, margin sparsely crenulate-serrate, apex obtuse or shortly and broadly acuminate. Inflorescences: cymes of order 1 or 2, 1- or 3-flowered, solitary or fasciculate, axillary on scales and leaves. Male inflorescences: cymes of order 1 or 2, 1- or 3-flowered; peduncles ca. 3 mm; pedicels 3-4 mm; bracteoles basal, glabrous, ciliate; calyx patelliform, shallowly 4-6-lobed, lobes ovate, margin erose, ciliate; corolla rotate, ca. 1 cm in diam., petals oblong, ca. 4 × 2.5 mm, basally slightly connate; stamens shorter than petals, anthers oblong; rudimentary ovary pulvinate, depressed at center. Female inflorescences: 1-flowered cymes, fascicles 3-flowered; pedicels 1.2-1.7 cm; calyx patelliform, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., 5- or 6-lobed, lobes orbicular, ciliate; corolla rotate, ca. 5 mm in diam., petals ovate, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, basally slightly connate; staminodes ca. 2/3 as long as petals, sterile anthers sagittate; ovary globose, ca. 1 mm in diam., stigma mammilliform. Fruit globose, ca. 6 mm in diam., endocarp woody. Fl. Jul, fr. unknown.

Forests; sea level to 400 m. Taiwan (Huoshao Dao, Lan Yu) [Japan].


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