20. Liparis formosana H. G. Reichenbach, Gard. Chron., n.s.,. 13: 394. 1880.
低地羊耳蒜 di di yang er suan
Liparis bituberculata (Hooker) Lindley var. formosana (H. G. Reichenbach) Ridley.
Herbs, terrestrial. Pseudobulbs clustered, cylindric, 5-15 × 1-1.5 cm. Leaves 2-4, obliquely elliptic to ovate, 7-12 × 4-6 cm, acute. Inflorescence ca. 30 cm; peduncle ca. 15 cm, winged; rachis ca. 15 cm, 15-30-flowered; floral bracts triangular, 2-3 mm, apex acute. Flowers green, tinged with purple or purplish; pedicel and ovary 11-14 mm, with 6 sharp ridges. Dorsal sepal lanceolate, 10-12 × 2-2.5 mm, 3-veined, apex obtuse; lateral sepals obliquely oblong-lanceolate, 7-9 × 3-4 mm, 3-veined, apex acute. Petals linear, 9-10 × ca. 1 mm, 1-veined; lip obovate-elliptic, ca. 7 × 5 mm, above base with a bilobed erect callus, apex acute. Column curved, 4-5 mm, apex with 2 triangular, basally truncate wings. Fl. Feb-May.
Broad-leaved forests; 300-500 m. Hong Kong, Taiwan [Japan].
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