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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Lauraceae | Litsea

54. Litsea hypophaea Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 5: 167. 1915.

黄肉树 huang rou shu

Actinodaphne pedicellata Hayata; Fiwa hypophaea (Hayata) Nakai; F. pedicellata (Hayata) Nakai; Litsea kostermansii C. E. Chang; L. krukovii Kostermans; L. pedicellata (Hayata) Hatusima (1971), not Bartlett (1909); L. taiwaniana Kamikoti; Tetradenia hypophaea (Hayata) Makino & Nemoto.

Trees, branchlets pubescent. Leaves alternate; petiole 3-6 mm, pubescent; leaf blade obovate or obovate-lanceolate, 3-9 × 1.2-3 cm, glaucous abaxially and pubescent along veins, glabrous adaxially, pinninerved, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, base cuneate, apex obtuse or obtusely acuminate. Umbels clustered or solitary in leaf axils, male umbel 4-flowered; peduncle 4-7 mm. Pedicel densely villous. Perianth segments 6, obovate or ovate, pubescent along midrib outside. Male flowers: fertile stamens 9; filaments villous, of 3rd whorls each with 2 shield-shaped glands at base; rudimentary pistil lacking. Fruit ellipsoid, ca. 8 × 5 mm, seated on shallowly, thinly cup-shaped perianth tube; perianth tube 2-3 × ca. 5 mm, pubescent outside; fruiting pedicel short, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Oct.

● Evergreen broad-leaved forests; low elevations. Taiwan.

This species resembles either Litsea or Actinodaphne and was treated in FRPS (31: 260. 1982) as A. pedicellata. However, it has four decussate involucral bracts, which are characteristic of Litsea, and so it should be included in that genus.

The wood may be used for construction and furniture.


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