23. Oberonia kwangsiensis Seidenfaden, Dansk Bot. Ark. 25(3): 31. 1968.
广西鸢尾兰 guang xi yuan wei lan
Stem short or nearly inconspicuous. Leaves subbasal, 3-6, distichous-equitant, linear or linear-lanceolate, 6-13 × 0.5-0.6 cm, thick, veins slightly visible when dried, base articulate, apex acuminate. Peduncle 12-13 cm, below with many narrowly lanceolate sterile bracts 3-4 mm, long acuminate; rachis relatively rigid, many flowered; floral bracts linear, ca. 2 mm. Flowers whorled, whorls 1-3 mm apart from each other; pedicel and ovary ca. 1.5 mm. Dorsal sepal ovate, ca. 1 × 0.6 mm, apex obtuse; lateral sepals ovate-elliptic, similar to dorsal sepal in size. Petals oblong, ca. 0.8 × 0.3 mm, margin sometimes inconspicuously erose; lip nearly broadly obovate in outline, ca. 1.3 mm, with a pair of basal lateral lobes erose at margins, lip dilated and deeply bilobed at apex; apical lobules nearly orbicular or square, margin ± erose. Column short, stout. Fl. ?Nov.
Lithophytic on rocks in open forests on limestone hilltops; 600-1200 m. N Guangxi, SE Xizang, SE Yunnan [Thailand, Vietnam].
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