58. Pilea unciformis C. J. Chen, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 2(3): 96. 1982.
鹰嘴冷水花 ying zui leng shui hua
Herbs perennial, stoloniferous, glabrous, dioecious. Stems gray-green when dry, erect, much branched through main stem like corymb, 10-35 cm tall, somewhat succulent, with shortly fusiform cystoliths when dry; internodes 1-3.5 cm. Leaves crowded on upper nodes of stem and branches, sometimes 4 in whorl; stipules persistent, triangular, ca. 1 mm, membranous; petiole unequal in length, 0.5-1.2 cm; leaf blade abaxially gray-green, adaxially dark green, ovate, unequal in size, 0.7-2.5 × 0.6-1 cm, subpapery, 3-veined, sunken adaxially, prominent abaxially, lateral veins several, inconspicuous, honeycombed abaxially, cystoliths fusiform, adaxially densely, regularly and longitudinally arranged along margin on both surfaces, base subcordate or emarginate, rarely broadly cuneate, margin somewhat thickened, obtusely 2-4-serrate from mid-base. Inflorescences solitary; male inflorescence a capitulum, peduncle 5-12 mm; female ones shorter. Male flowers pedicellate, in bud ca. 0.8 mm; perianth lobes 4, obovate, subapically corniculate; stamens 4; rudimentary ovary conic. Female perianth lobes unequal, largest lobe cymbiform, subapically stongly recurved corniculate. Achene brownish, narrowly ovoid, ca. 0.8 mm, slightly compressed, smooth, enclosed by perianth lobes. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Jun-Sep.
Shaded moist places of limestone mountain; ca. 1300 m. SE Yunnan [N Vietnam].