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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Polypodiaceae | Pyrrosia

23. Pyrrosia subfurfuracea (Hooker) Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 68. 1935.

绒毛石韦 rong mao shi wei

Polypodium subfurfuraceum Hooker, Sp. Fil. 5: 52. 1863; Cyclophorus subfurfuraceus (Hooker) C. Christensen; Niphobolus subfurfuraceus (Hooker) Beddome.

Plants 40-60 cm. Rhizome short or occasionally shortly elongated, 2-6.8 mm in diam., in cross section with many scattered sclerenchyma strands; phyllopodia contiguous or up to 2.5 cm apart, lateral buds situated basal on or close to phyllopodia. Scales pseudopeltate, 6.5-11 × 0.7-1.3 mm, base entire to ciliate; acumen dull brown, entire. Fronds monomorphic, subsessile to stipitate; stipe up to 15 cm, (0.1-)0.2-1 × as long as lamina; lamina widest at ca. middle, 45-60 × 6.5-11 cm, base long decurrent, apex shortly acuminate. Hydathodes distinct, superficial. Indument persistent or fugacious, dimorphic, thin or occasionally dense, dirty grayish; upper layer with hairs 0.8-1.3 mm in diam., with erect-spreading, acicular rays, ± mixed with a lower layer with mainly woolly rays. Sori superficial, without central bundle of paraphyses. Sporangia with stalks 0.5-1 × as long as capsule.

700-2000 m. Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Vietnam].


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