48a. Rhododendron augustinii subsp. augustinii
毛肋杜鹃(原亚种) mao lei du juan (yuan ya zhong)
Rhododendron augustinii var. yui W. P. Fang; R. vilmorinianum I. B. Balfour.
Young shoots densely villous and pubescent. Petiole densely hispid and pubescent; abaxial leaf surface scales 1.5–2 × their own diameter apart, indumentum of petiole extending along midrib, adaxial leaf surface with filiform-acicular hairs on veins; corolla blue to lavender; style glabrous or pubescent at base.
Forests in valleys, forests or thickets on slopes, rocks on slopes; 1000–2100 m. Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan.
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