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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 14 | Ericaceae | Rhododendron

282. Rhododendron esetulosum I. B. Balfour & Forrest, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 13: 42. 1920.

喙尖杜鹃 hui jian du juan

Rhododendron manopeplum I. B. Balfour & Forrest.

Shrubs, 1–2 m tall; old branches smooth; shoots stout, 5–7 mm in diam. below inflorescence; young branches densely glandular. Petiole stout, adaxially flat, abaxially rounded, 15–20 mm, glabrous; leaf blade leathery, long-elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 6–10 × 3–5 cm; base rounded, truncate or subcordate; apex acute, apiculate; abaxial surface yellowish green, indumentum gauzelike; adaxial surface green, glabrous; midrib obviously raised abaxially, impressed adaxially; lateral veins 14–16-paired, inconspicuous on both surfaces. Inflorescence racemose-umbellate, 7–11-flowered; rachis conical, 5–10 mm, densely glandular. Pedicel stout, 2–2.5 cm, shortly glandular-hairy, glabrous; calyx lobes 5, 3–7(–10) mm, ovate; outer surface and margin glandular; corolla funnelform, pink, throat with purple spots, ca. 4 cm, lobes 5, suborbicular, 2–2.5 × 1.5–2 cm, apex emarginate, margin slightly wavy; stamens 10, unequal, 1.5–2.5 cm, filaments pubescent at base, anthers ovate, ca. 3 mm; ovary cylindric, ca. 5 mm, densely glandular; style smooth or with a few glands at base, stigma expanded. Capsule cylindric, ca. 20 × 10 mm. Fl. Jun, fr. Aug–Oct.

Thicket margins, gravelly mountain slopes; 3000–4200 m. SE Xizang, NW Yunnan.


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