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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 14 | Ericaceae | Rhododendron

449. Rhododendron populare Cowan, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 19: 251. 1937.

蜜腺杜鹃 mi xian du juan

Small trees or shrubs, 2–5 m tall; older branches brown, bark exfoliating into thin and small irregular flakes; young shoots slender, pale brown-green, glabrous. Petiole stout, 5–10 mm, floccose when young, glabrescent; leaf blade leathery, obovate-elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 6–8 × 2–3 cm; base rounded or broadly cuneate; margin revolute; apex obtuse, apiculate; both surfaces glabrous; midrib prominently raised abaxially, grooved adaxially; lateral veins 13–15-paired, obscure on both surfaces. Inflorescence racemose-umbellate, usually 4–6-flowered; rachis conical, 1–2 mm, glabrous. Pedicel slender, pink, 0.5–1 cm, glabrous; calyx reddish, cupular; lobes 8–12 mm, irregular; corolla campanulate, crimson, 3–3.5 cm, with 5 deep crimson nectar pouches at base; lobes 5, rounded, ca. 1.3 cm, emarginate; stamens 10, unequal, 1.5–3 cm, filaments white, glabrous; ovary ovoid, ca. 5 mm, glabrous; style ca. 2.5 cm, glabrous; stigma slightly swollen. Capsule not known. Fl. Apr–May.

Rhododendron thickets, bamboo thickets; 3500–4000 m. S Xizang.


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