7. Vanda pumila J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 6: 53. 1890.
矮万代兰 ai wan dai lan
Trudelia pumila (J. D. Hooker) Senghas.
Stems 5-23 cm, 0.5-1 cm in diam. Leaf blade 6-24 × 1-2 cm, slightly fleshy or thickly leathery, apex unequally 2- or 3-dentate. Inflorescences 1 or 2, 2-7 cm, sparsely 1-3-flowered; peduncle 1.5-3 cm; rachis ± flexuous, 1-3.5 cm; floral bracts broadly ovate, 3-5 × 2.5-4 mm, apex obtuse. Flowers thickly textured, widely opening, (2.5-)4-6.2 cm in diam., fragrant; pedicel and ovary 2-4.5 cm; sepals and petals white to cream-yellow, not tessellated. Dorsal sepal oblanceolate, 14-26 × 6-8 mm, base cuneate, apex obtuse; lateral sepals slightly oblique, ovate, 16-26 × 9-11 mm, base cuneate, apex obtuse. Petals oblong-lanceolate, 15-28 × 3-6 mm, base cuneate, apex acute; lip pale cream-colored, streaked with purple to red, thickly fleshy, ca. as long as or longer than sepals, spurred; lateral lobes erect, abaxially cream-yellow, adaxially purplish red, ovate-triangular, 2.5-4 × 2-3 mm, apex obtuse; mid-lobe adaxially cream-yellow with 8 or 9 purplish red longitudinal stripes, ligulate to broadly ovate, 7-10 × 6-8 mm, apex obtuse-acuminate; disk carinate with 3 small ridges; spur conic-obconic, 4-5 mm, apex obtuse. Column cream-yellow to white, 3-5 mm; anther cap cream-yellow, ca. 3 mm wide. Fl. Mar-May. 2n = 38, 40, 72, 76.
On tree trunks in forests; 500-1800 m. W Guangxi, Hainan, S Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, N Thailand, Vietnam].