1. Acanthephippium striatum Lindley, Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 41. 1838.
锥囊坛花兰 zhui nang tan hua lan
Acanthephippium simplex Averyanov; A. sinense Rolfe; A. unguiculatum (Hayata) Fukuyama; Tainia unguiculata Hayata.
Plants to 50 cm tall. Roots densely pubescent. Pseudobulb narrowly ovoid, 6-10 × 1-3 cm, 3- or 4-noded, with several membranous sheaths, 1- or rarely 2-leaved. Leaf elliptic to oblong, 20-30 × 7-14.5 cm, usually 5-veined, apex acute; petiole-like base ca. 3 cm and sheathing. Inflorescence 10-13 cm, with several scalelike membranous sheaths; rachis densely 4-6-flowered; floral bracts ovate-oblong, cymbiform, 3-3.5 cm, apex acute. Flowers creamy white with parallel red venation, tubular, 35-45 mm; pedicel and ovary 30-35 mm, sparsely pubescent or glabrate. Dorsal sepal elliptic, 20-25 × 10-13 mm, 7-veined, apex obtuse; lateral sepals oblong-triangular, slightly oblique, 26-35 × 15-20 mm, 5-7-veined, base adnate to column foot, apex subacute and recurved. Petals oblong-obovate, 20-25 × 10-12 mm, fleshy, 7-veined, apex obtuse or acute; lip adnate to apex of column foot, 20-25 mm, membranous, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, falcate-triangular, 10-12 mm; mid-lobe with red spots or blotches, ovate-triangular, small, ca. 8 mm, margin slightly undulate, apex acute, recurved; disk with a solitary broad yellow ridge; mentum formed by bases of lateral sepals and column foot, conic and spurlike, tapering toward apex, longer than column. Column 10-15 mm; column foot 30-40 mm, inflexed at its mid-point through an angle of 30-40°, adnate to base of lateral sepals for ca. 1/2 of its length, slightly recurved toward apex; anther ca. 3 mm; larger pollinia to ca. 2.2 mm, smaller pollinia ca. 1.5 mm; rostellum flaplike, triangular, entire; stigma broadly obovoid. Capsule 40-60 mm. Fl. Apr-Jun.
Shaded and humid places in dense forests, banks of streams, along valleys; 400-1500 m. S Fujian, SW Guangxi, Taiwan, S and SE Yunnan [NE India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].