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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Capparaceae | Capparis

7. Capparis olacifolia J. D. Hooker & Thomson in J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 1: 178. 1872.

藏东南山柑 zang dong nan shan gan

Shrubs or small trees, 1-5 m tall, with spreading branches. Twigs surrounded at base by a few cataphylls, densely fulvous or grayish tomentose with small ca. 5-armed stellate trichomes. Stipular spines slender, straight, 3-5(-8) mm, ascending or rarely spreading. Petiole 5-6 mm, with trichomes like those on twigs; leaf blade ovate, 7-13 × (3.5-)4-5(-6) cm, (2-)2.2-2.6(-3.5) × as long as wide, ± firmly herbaceous, adaxially rather glossy, surfaces soon glabrescent, midvein flat, secondary veins (5 or)6 or 7(or 8) on each side of midvein, reticulate veins not distinct, base rounded, apex tapering and gradually acuminate, tip blunt to slightly acute and mucronulate. Inflorescences superaxillary rows, (1 or)2(or 3)-flowered. Pedicel 0.7-1.5 cm, with trichomes. Sepals 8-10 × (3-)4-5(-6) cm, margin membranous and tomentose; sepals of outer whorl navicular, ovate, surfaces glabrous but margins tomentose, apex acute; sepal of inner whorl elliptic. Petals white, (15-)17-22 × ca. 5 mm; anterior petal pairs obovate, ca. 2 mm longer than posterior pairs, outside tomentose toward apex and along margin, apex rounded; posterior petal pairs with a pale purple or yellow blotch. Stamens 34-38; filaments 2.8-3.5 cm; anthers ca. 2 mm. Gynophore 2.7-3.5 cm, often slightly swollen toward apex, glabrous; pistil 4-6 mm; ovary ellipsoid, 1-1.5 mm wide, densely tomentose; placentae 2; style ca. 2 mm, slender, glabrous; stigma knob-shaped. Fruit globose, 7.5-10 mm wide, apex beaked with persistent ca. 2 mm style; pericarp red, fairly thick. Seeds 1(-3) per fruit, 7-8 × ca. 6 mm. Fl. and fr. Apr-Jun.

Moist forests; 600-1500 m. SE Xizang [Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Nepal].


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