17. Lasianthus hispidulus (Drake) Pitard in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine. 3: 393. 1924.
文山粗叶木 wen shan cu ye mu
Mephitidia hispidula Drake, J. Bot. (Morot) 9: 239. 1895; Lasianthus brevidens Craib; L. bunzanensis Simizu.
Shrubs, 1-1.5 m tall; branches and branchlets densely villous or strigose. Petiole 4-7 mm, densely hirsute or strigose to strigillose; leaf blade thinly leathery to papery, elliptic or ovate-oblong, 7-10 × 3-5 cm, glabrous adaxially, densely villous abaxially, base acute or obtuse, apex cuspidate-acuminate or acuminate; lateral veins 4-6 pairs; nervules subparallel; midrib and veins elevated abaxially, nervules slightly elevated abaxially, strigose to strigillose; stipules generally persistent, 0.5-1 mm, densely hirsute or strigillose. Inflorescences glomerulate, sessile; bracts absent. Flowers sessile. Calyx strigillose; hypanthium campanulate, 1-1.5 mm; limb 1-1.5 mm, shortly toothed; teeth 5, broadly triangular. Corolla 6-7 mm, pilose outside, villous inside; lobes 5. Fruit globose, 3-6 mm in diam., strigillose; pyrenes 5.
Forests, shaded and wet places; 300-600 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Indonesia (Sumatra), Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Malaysia (Borneo), Thailand, Vietnam].