135. Begonia rockii Irmscher, Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg. 10: 544. 1939.
滇缅秋海棠 dian mian qiu hai tang
Herbs. Rhizomes elongate, 9-14 mm in diam. Leaves basal; stipules triangular-ovate, 5-16 × 3-10 mm, abaxially remotely pubescent, apex acute; petiole 3-20 cm, rusty hairy; blade abaxially reddish, abaxially dark green with brownish irregular fine spots, sometimes with white spots between main veins, broadly ovate, asymmetric, 5.5-30 × 3.5-20 cm, abaxially hispid, adaxially hispidulous, venation palmate, 6- or 7-veined, base strongly oblique, cordate, margin remotely and minutely serrulate, ciliate, apex acute or obtuse. Inflorescences sparsely hairy; bracts ovate-oblong, 5-8 × 3-5 mm, abaxially pilose, margin ciliate, apex obtuse or acute. Staminate flowers: pedicel 1-1.8 cm; tepals 4, white, outer 2 broadly ovate or orbicular, 1-1.9 × 0.7-1.4 cm, abaxially scabrescent, inner 2 obovate, 8-17 × 6-10 mm; stamens ca. 120; filaments 1-6.1 mm, fused at base; anthers obovoid-globose, 1-1.4 mm, apex truncate or emarginate. Pistillate flowers: pedicel 0.9-1.1 mm; tepals 5, white, unequal, broadly ovate to oval, largest 6-10.5 × 4.4-9.1 mm, abaxially scabrescent, smallest 4.5-9.5 × 3.5-4.7 mm; ovary elliptic, scabrescent, 2-loculed; placentae axile, bilamellate; styles 2, 2-6.2 mm, fused to halfway; stigmas 2-cleft, spiraled. Capsule nodding, unequally 3-winged; abaxial wing ligulate, ca. 1.6 × 1.2 cm, apex rounded; lateral wings 5.2-6.6 mm. Fl. Nov.
Forests, rock faces; 700-800 m. Yunnan (Yingjiang) [Myanmar].