92. Begonia luochengensis S. M. Ku et al., Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 45: 357. 2004.
罗城秋海棠 luo cheng qiu hai tang
Herbs, rhizomatous. Rhizomes creeping, 8-20 mm in diam. Leaves all basal; stipules triangular-ovate, 7-10 × 7-9 mm; petiole 8-30 cm, hirsute-villous; blade abaxially reddish, adaxially with a white band along midvein, pale green near major veins, dark brownish to purplish red between major veins, obliquely ovate to ovate, 10-25 × 5-18 cm, papery, both surfaces densely pilose, basally 7-veined, tertiary veins fine, randomly reticulate, base cordate, margin denticulate, apex acuminate to caudate. Inflorescences with 7-14 flowers in a dichasial cyme; peduncle 8-22 cm; bracts oblong. Staminate flowers: tepals 4, outer 2 ovate-orbicular, 1.1-1.2 × 1.2-1.3 cm, inner 2 broadly oblanceolate, ca. 12 × 6.5 mm; androecium zygomorphic; stamens 20-27; filaments nearly free, subequal, apex subemarginate. Pistillate flowers: tepals 3, outer 2 pinkish, broadly ovate-orbicular, 1.3-1.4 × 1.5-1.7 cm, inner 1 obovate, apex rounded; ovary pinkish, glabrous, unequally 3-winged, 1-loculed with parietal placentation; abaxial wing oblong to nearly triangular; styles 3, nearly free; stigmas U-shaped or nearly reniform. Capsule nodding, 11-17 × 6-7 mm. Fl. Aug-Nov, fr. Sep-Dec. 2n = 30*.
● Semishaded, dry or slightly moist limestone hills; 200-300 m. Guangxi (Luocheng).