102. Begonia morifolia T. T. Yu, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. n.s., 1: 119. 1948.
桑叶秋海棠 sang ye qiu hai tang
Begonia anceps Irmscher.
Herbs. Stems to 40 cm, slender and trailing at base, erect above, villous when young. Leaves cauline; stipules triangular-ovate, 8-10 mm, abaxially villous; petiole 1.5-2.5 cm, densely villous; blade ovate or narrowly ovate, asymmetric, 6-9 × 3.5-4.5 cm, papery, sparsely hispidulous, venation palmate-pinnate, base oblique, cordate, margin sharply denticulate, apex long acuminate. Inflorescences hairy; bracts ovate, 8-9 mm, abaxially pubescent, margin serrate. Staminate flowers: pedicel ca. 1.5 cm; tepals 4(or 5), pink, hairy, outer 2 ovate, ca. 1.5 × 1 cm, abaxially villous, inner 2 narrow, ovate-oblong, ca. 8 × 2 mm; stamens numerous; filaments ca. 1.2 mm, free; anthers elliptic, ca. 1 mm, apex emarginate. Pistillate flowers: tepals 5, hairy, outer 2 broadly ovate, ca. 10 × 8 mm, inner 2 narrow, ovate-oblong, ca. 7 × 3.5 mm; ovary 3-loculed; placentae axile, bilamellate; styles 3; stigmas 2-cleft, spiraled. Capsule pendulous, oblong, ca. 10 × 7 mm, unequally 3-winged. Fl. Oct-Nov, fr. Dec.
● Forests, shaded moist environments; 1300-1600 m. Yunnan (Malipo, Xichou).
This species is similar to Begonia alveolata but differs by its sharply denticulate leaf margin and abaxially hairy outer tepals.