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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Thymelaeaceae | Aquilaria

2. Aquilaria yunnanensis S. C. Huang, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 7: 277. 1985.

云南沉香 yun nan chen xiang

Trees small, 3-8 m tall. Branchlets dark brown, puberulous. Petiole 4-5 mm, pubescent; leaf blade elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, rarely obovate, 7-11 × 2-4 cm, leathery, glabrous, glabrescent, or puberulous only on midrib, base cuneate or narrowly cuneate, apex caudate-acuminate, acumen 1-1.5 cm; veins usually branched, dense, conspicuous and raised abaxially, obscure adaxially. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, consisting of 1 or 2 umbels. Flowers fragrant; pedicel ca. 6 mm, slender. Calyx light yellow; tube campanulate, 6-7 mm, exterior pubescent, interior 10-ribbed, ribs pubescent; lobes 5, ovate-oblong, ca. 3 mm, nearly as long as tube, inside densely pubescent. Petaloid appendages ca. 1.5 mm, puberulous, apex rounded. Stamens 10, 1.5-2 mm; anthers linear, shorter than or equaling filaments. Ovary subglobose, ca. 3 mm, shiny, pubescent; style obscure; stigma capitate. Capsule obovoid, ca. 2.5 × 1.7 cm, base tapering and enclosed by erect, persistent calyx, corky when dried, apex rounded and apiculate; pericarp thickened, slightly rugose when dried, yellow pubescent. Seeds 1 or 2, ovoid, densely brown-yellow pubescent, apex obtuse; funicle 0.8-1 cm, slightly shorter or longer than seed.

● Valley forests; ca. 1200 m. Yunnan.

This species has been confused with Aquilaria sinensis and is probably exploited in the same way. It is too poorly known for its conservation status to be assessed.


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