111e. Begonia palmata var. crassisetulosa (Irmscher) Golding & Karegeannes, Phytologia. 54: 495. 1984.
刺毛红孩儿 ci mao hong hai er
Begonia laciniata subsp. crassisetulosa Irmscher, Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 10: 532. 1939.
Stem, petiole, and blade abaxially hirsute; blade ovate, 9-12 × 6-8 cm, base obliquely cordate, margin remotely and minutely toothed; lobes subtriangular, 1-2 cm, adaxially hispidulous, hairs rounded at base. Flowers rose; tepals abaxially hirsute. Fl. Jun.
● Understories of evergreen broad-leaved forests, on rocks in moist environments by streams; 1500-3200 m. SW and W Yunnan.
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