111c. Begonia palmata var. laevifolia (Irmscher) Golding & Karegeannes, Phytologia. 54: 495. 1984.
光叶红孩儿 guang ye hong hai er
Begonia laciniata subsp. laevifolia Irmscher, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 21: 43. 1951.
Stem, petiole, and blade abaxially hispidulous and sparsely hirsute, glabrescent; blade broadly ovate, ca. 14 × 15 cm, base rounded, slightly oblique, margin lobed or undulate; lobes broadly triangular, ca. 3 cm, base 3-4 cm wide, apex acute or obtuse. Flowers rose; tepals abaxially sparsely hairy. Fruit sparsely hairy. Fl. Nov-Dec.
● Yunnan (Hekou).
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