57. Impatiens porphyrea Toppin, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1920: 363. 1920.
紫色凤仙花 zi se feng xian hua
Plants ?annual, 1-2 m tall. Leaves alternate, somewhat crowded at upper part of stem, petiolate or sessile in upper leaves; petiole 0.5-2 cm; leaf blade elliptic, ovate, or lanceolate, 7-15 × 2.5-6 cm, both surfaces nearly glabrous, base cuneate, margin crenate, apex acute. Inflorescences in upper leaf axils, ascending, racemose, 3-5-flowered, or 1-flowered; peduncles 3-5 cm, glabrous. Pedicels ca. 2 cm, glabrous, bracteate at base; bracts persistent, ovate, 3-4 mm, apex acute. Flowers dark red-purple, ca. 2 cm, ca. 3 cm deep. Lateral sepals 4; outer 2: navicular, ovate or lanceolate, 4-5(-8) mm, apex acute; inner 2: minute, shorter than 1 mm, membranous. Lower sepal dark red-purple, navicular, narrowed into a slightly recurved spur ca. 1.3 cm, ca. 2.5 cm deep including spur; mouth tip rostellate. Upper petal slightly cucullate, orbicular, ca. 1 cm in diam., apex slightly retuse, abaxial midvein slightly carinate; lateral united petals dark red-purple, ca. 2 cm, 2-lobed; basal lobes oblong-orbicular to orbicular, ca. 1.2 × 0.5 cm, apex rounded; distal lobes loriform, ca. 1.2 × 0.3 cm, apex rounded; auricle inflexed, narrowly lunate. Anthers obtuse. Capsule linear. Fl. Oct. 2n = 18.
Forests; 1700-1900 m. SW Yunnan [N Myanmar].
One of us (Chen) noted that according to the description and illustration, this species seems to be similar to Impatiens taronensis.