82. Euonymus tenuiserratus C. Y. Cheng ex J. S. Ma, Harvard Pap. Bot. 3: 232. 1998.
柔齿卫矛 rou chi wei mao
Evergreen shrubs, ca. 3 m tall; branches terete, sturdy, twigs green to light green, terete, striate. Petiole sturdy, 6-10 mm; leaf blade papery, ovate to ovate-elliptic, 6-10 × 2-5.5 cm, base subrounded to suborbicular, margin ciliate to sharply and finely denticulate, apex caudate; lateral veins ca. 8 pairs, webbing and disappearing before reaching margin. Peduncle slender, 2-3 cm, several flowered; pedicel 6-8 mm. Flowers 4-merous, 7-9 mm in diam., green. Capsule not seen. Fl. May, fr. unknown.
● Woodlands; ca. 2000 m. Yunnan.
This species is known only from the type and is very similar to Euonymus serratifolius.
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