54. Euonymus bullatus Wallich ex Loddiges, Bot. Cab. 18: t. 1749. 1831.
凸脉卫矛 tu mai wei mao
Evergreen small trees, to 8 m tall; branches sturdy and terete. Petiole sturdy, 1-2 cm; leaf blade thinly leathery to leathery, ovate-elliptic to broadly oblong-elliptic, 12-21 × 7-11 cm, base widely attenuate, margin entire, apex acute or acuminate; lateral veins ca. 15 pairs, curving forward, webbing before reaching margin, impressed and evidently prominent abaxially. Peduncle 3-5 cm, more than 2 × dichotomously branched with many flowers; pedicel ca. 5 mm. Flowers 4-merous, 6-8 mm in diam.; sepals semirotund; petals red, nearly obovate. Capsule obovoid, 4-angled with deep grooves, brown or yellow-brown to red-brown, ca. 1.2 × 1.5 cm, 4-lobed. Seeds ellipsoid, brown; aril orange-red. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Aug-Nov.
Mixed forests; 900-3300 m. Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand].
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