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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Celastraceae | Euonymus

90. Euonymus prismatomerioides C. Y. Wu ex J. S. Ma, Harvard Pap. Bot. 3: 232. 1998.

显脉卫矛 xian mai wei mao

Evergreen shrubs, 2-4 m tall; branches gray-black, terete, glabrous, twigs green to light brown, 4-angled, glabrous. Petiole ca. 5 mm; leaf blade long subulate or broadly linear, up to 14 cm, less than 2 cm in diam., base cuneate, margin unclearly and sparsely denticulate, apex long attenuate; main vein impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially, lateral veins obscure and reticulate before reaching margin. Cymes axillary or terminal on young twig, typically 3-5-flowered; peduncle less than 3 cm. Flowers purple-red when fresh, 5-merous; sepals 5, semiorbicular, ca. 2 mm × as wide; petals 5, orbicular, 3-4 mm × as wide, slightly attenuate at base, nearly entire or mildly crenulate on margin, not ciliate. Stamens 5; filament short; anther cells 2. Ovary and fruit not seen. Fl. May, fr. unknown.

● Evergreen broad-leaved forests; ca. 1600 m. Yunnan.

Euonymus prismatomerioides is provisionally accepted here. A fruiting specimen is needed for a more definitive placement.


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