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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Lauraceae | Beilschmiedia

22. Beilschmiedia glandulosa N. H. Xia et al., J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 14: 78. 2006.

香港琼楠 xiang gang qiong nan

Trees. Branchlets grayish brown pubescent, soon glabrescent. Terminal buds grayish brown pubescent. Leaves subopposite; petiole 5-8 mm, glabrous; leaf blade brownish abaxially when dry, elliptic or narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 4.5-8.5 × 1.5-3.5 cm, leathery, glabrous, densely glandular-spotted adaxially, midrib elevated on both surfaces, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, together with veinlets prominent on both surfaces, base attenuate, margin entire, apex obtuse. Inflorescences axillary, shortly pedunculate, racemose or thyrsoid, 1-3-clustered, 1.5-3 cm; bracteoles ovate, ca. 1 × 0.6 mm, pilose. Flowers ca. 4 × 4 mm. Perianth tube short; perianth segments 6(-8), ovate, ca. 2.5 mm, sparsely villous outside, pilose inside. Fertile stamens 9, those of outer 2 whorls opposite to perianth lobes; filaments 0.5-1 mm, densely pilose, those of 3rd whorl each with a pair of shortly stalked orbicular-reniform glands near base; anthers 2-celled, 0.5-0.8 mm, cells introrse. Staminodes ovoid, ca. 0.8 mm. Ovary cylindric, ca. 2.5 mm, sparsely villous; style ca. 1 mm; stigma capitate. Fruits bluish brown when mature, ellipsoid, 1.5-2.2 × 1-1.5 cm, smooth, but wrinkled when dry, apex apiculate. Seeds ellipsoid, 1.3-2 × 0.8-1.2 cm. Fl. Aug, fr. Jan-Feb.

● Evergreen broad-leaved forests on mountain slopes; below 100 m. Hong Kong.


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