1. Parasassafras confertiflorum (Meisner) D. G. Long, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 41: 513. 1984.
拟檫木 ni cha mu
Actinodaphne confertiflora Meisner in A. Candolle, Prodr. 15(1): 219. 1864; Litsea confertiflora (Meisner) Kostermans; L. shweliensis W. W. Smith; Neocinnamomum confertiflorum (Meisner) Kostermans.
Trees, 3-15 m tall. Branchlets stout, glabrous or slightly puberulent when young. Leaves alternate; petiole 1.9-3.5 cm; leaf blade ovate or rounded-oblong, 6.5-14.5 × 4.8-10.5 cm, glabrous on both surfaces, triplinerved, lateral veins 3-5 pairs, lowermost pair arising ca. 3 mm from base, base rounded or broadly cuneate, apex slightly rounded or obtuse, sometimes lobate when young. Umbels axillary, 2-5-clustered, male umbels often 4-flowered. Pedicel ca. 5 mm. Perianth segments broadly ovate. Male flowers: fertile stamens ca. 9; filaments short, glabrous, of 3rd whorls each with 2 subglobose glands at base; rudimentary pistil small. Fruit ovoid or subglobose, ca. 6 × 4 mm, seated on shallowly discoid perianth tube. Fl. Jun-Oct.
Open thickets, mixed forests; 2300-2700 m. SW and W Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Myanmar].
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