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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Lauraceae | Sinosassafras

1. Sinosassafras flavinervium (C. K. Allen) H. W. Li, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 7: 134. 1985.

华檫木 hua cha mu

Lindera flavinervia C. K. Allen, J. Arnold Arbor. 22: 30. 1941.

Trees, 4-15(-25) m tall, 10-30 cm d.b.h. Bark gray-brown, irregularly dehiscent-striate; phloem yellow-brown, more than 5 mm thick. Branchlets green but black-brown when dry, subterete, distinctly angular when young, scabrous, glabrous, sometimes with suborbicular and longitudinally dehiscent lenticels. Terminal bud large, ovoid to oblong, 0.9-1.5 cm; bud scales densely golden sericeous-pubescent outside. Leaves alternate; petiole (1-)1.5-2.5(-3.5) cm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially gray-green, adaxially green and shiny, broadly elliptic to suborbicular, 6-12 × 3.5-6.5(-10) cm, thinly leathery, triplinerved, lateral veins ca. 6 pairs, basal lateral veins arcuate-ascendant 1-5 mm above leaf base, basal veins and midrib distinct and yellow on both surfaces, reticulate veins distinctly elevated on both surfaces, base broadly cuneate, margin revolute, apex shortly acuminate. Pseudoumbels (3-)5- or 6-flowered, solitary or 2(or 3) inserted in leaf axils and always 3 to many inserted on axillary leafless short shoot with a poorly developed terminal bud; peduncles ca. 0.5 mm, pubescent; involucral bracts caducous. Male flowers green or green-yellow; pedicels (3-)4-5 mm, yellowish pubescent; perianth segments 6, unequal, glabrous; fertile stamens 9, subequal, those of 1st and 2nd whorls ca. 1.5 mm, with filaments ca. 1 mm and broadly rhomboid-ovoid anthers ca. 1.5 mm, those of 3rd whorl somewhat shorter and filaments with 2 shortly stipitate broadly reniform glands near base; rudimentary ovary subglobose, ca. 1.5 mm, glabrous; style terete, ca. 1.5 mm; stigma peltate. Female flowers green; pedicels ca. 2 mm, yellowish pubescent; perianth segments 6, subequal; staminodes 9, ca. 1.5 mm, outer 3(or 4) each with eglandular filament and broadly rhomboid-ovoid anther, inner 5(or 6) each with 2-glandular filament and clavate rudimentary anther; glands subsessile and ovoid-reniform; ovary globose, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., glabrous; style stout, ca. 1.3 mm; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., papillose. Fruits green when fresh, black when dry, subglobose, up to 8 mm in diam., glabrous; fruiting pedicels up to 8 mm, robust; fruit cupule 2-3 × ca. 4 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun-Nov.

● Secondary evergreen broad-leaved forests, thickets, forest margins or roadsides on mountain slopes or in valleys. SE Xizang, W Yunnan.

The seed oil is used as a lubricant or for making soap; it is also used for lighting by local people.


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