9. Gastrodia wuyishanensis Da M. Li & C. D. Liu, Novon. 17: 354. 2007.
武夷山天麻 wu yi shan tian ma
Plants 13-28 cm tall. Rhizome brown, cylindric-ellipsoid, 1.5-2 cm, 0.6-0.8 cm in diam., 3- or 4-noded, with several fleshy roots, papillose. Peduncle grayish brown or grayish green, 10-20 cm, 3- or 4-noded below middle, with sheaths at nodes; sheaths cylindric, 4-13 mm; rachis 2.5-7 cm, laxly 5-8-flowered; floral bracts caducous, brown, broadly ovate, 2-3 mm, apex acute. Flowers spreading or nodding, not resupinate, not opening widely, grayish white; pedicel and ovary greenish white, 3-7 mm. Perianth tube cylindric, 7-11 × 4-5 mm, lacking a deep sinus between lateral sepals, outer surface smooth; free portion of sepals triangular to suborbicular, 1.5-2 mm, margin crisped, apex obtuse; free portion of petals suborbicular, 0.7-0.9 mm, margin crisped, apex rounded; lip simple, rhombic-ovate, 2-3 × 1.5-2 mm, glabrous. Column 4-5 mm; column wings narrow, dilated toward apex; column foot short. Capsule ca. 5 mm. Fl. Aug-Sep.
● Dense forests; 1200-1400 m. W Fujian (Wuyi Shan).
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