3. Pandanus fibrosus Gagnepain ex Humbert, Notul. Syst. (Paris). 6: 177. 1938.
小露兜 xiao lu dou
Pandanus gressittii B. C. Stone.
Herbs evergreen, or small shrubs. Stems branched. Leaves narrowly linear, to 62 × ca. 1.5 cm, margin and midrib abaxially spinose. Male inflorescences spicate, branched, 2-5 cm; spathes 3.5-14 × 0.6-2 cm, margin above middle spinulose or not; stamens 10-16, in filament bundles ca. 7 mm, free filaments at apex of filament bundles ca. 2 mm; anthers cylindric, ca. 10 × 7 mm, small cusp of apex connective ca. 1.2 mm. Female inflorescences capitate, cylindric, ca. 3 × 1.2 cm; spathes 10-24 × 1-4 cm, margin sparsely spinose or not; carpel 1, 1-locular; ovule 1, subbasal; stigma unbranched, ligulate, abaxially smooth, adaxially coarse. Syncarp ellipsoid or globose, ca. 6 × 3 cm, consisting of numerous drupes; drupes obconic, free after ripening, ca. 1.2 × 0.2-0.3 cm; persistent stigma spiny, simple. Fl. Apr-May.
Streamsides in forests, riversides. Hainan, Taiwan [Vietnam].
Stone (Fl. Cambodge, Laos & Vietnam 20: 40. 1983) considered Pandanus gressittii to be a synonym of P. fibrosus.