1. Chroesthes lanceolata (T. Anderson) B. Hansen, Nordic J. Bot. 3: 209. 1983.
色萼花 se e hua
Asystasia lanceolata T. Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 524. 1867; A. kerrii Craib; A. silvicola W. W. Smith; Chroesthes pubiflora Benoist; C. racemiflora Bremekamp; C. racemiflora var. glabrior Bremekamp; C. silvicola (W. W. Smith) E. Hossain.
Shrubs 0.5-3 m tall, anisophyllous. Stems terete, slender, rarely branched, glabrous. Petiole 1-2.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic to oblanceolate to lanceolate, 10-16 × 3-7 cm, both surfaces glabrous, secondary veins 6-9 on each side of midvein, base cuneate, margin entire or subsinuate, apex acuminate. Thyrses 3-7 cm; cymes sessile, 1-3-flowered; bracts elliptic to broadly lanceolate, 3-9 × 1-3 mm, gland-tipped pubescent, apex acute; bracteoles narrowly elliptic to broadly lanceolate, 4-9 × 0.7-1.2 mm. Pedicel 1-5 mm. Calyx 1-1.6 cm, outside gland-tipped pubescent; posterior lobe lanceolate, ovate, or subelliptic; lateral lobes linear-lanceolate; anterior lobes connate to 2/3 their length. Corolla white with pink or purple spots, ca. 2.5 cm, outside pubescent; tube basal portion ca. 9 mm, throat ca. 1.5 cm; lower lip 3-lobed; upper lip 2-lobed. Stamens included in throat; filaments 1-1.2 cm, glabrous; anther thecae 2.1-2.3 mm, pubescent at apex and along sides, basal spur pointed. Ovary apex pubescent; style ca. 2.5 cm. Capsule subellipsoid to obovoid, 1.2-1.6 cm, glabrous or only at apex pubescent, 4-seeded. Seeds subcircular in outline. Fl. Feb-Mar, fr. May-Jul.
Forests; (200-)800-1400 m. Guangxi, S Yunnan [Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].