2. Cyclocodon celebicus (Blume) D. Y. Hong, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36: 109. 1998.
小叶轮钟草 xiao ye lun zhong cao
Campanumoea celebica Blume, Bijdr. 727. 1826; Campanula celebica (Blume) D. Dietrich; Codonopsis celebica (Blume) Miquel; C. lancifolia (Roxburgh) Moeliono subsp. celebica (Blume) Moeliono; Cyclocodon lancifolius (Roxburgh) Kurz subsp. celebicus (Blume) K. E. Morris & Lammers.
Herbs, (perennial or annual?), without caudexes, nor rhizomes, erect, 1-2 m tall, sometimes lignified at base. Stems terete, branched, sparsely hispidulous or subglabrous. Leaves shortly petiolate; petiole up to 5 mm; blade ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 5-10 × 2-4 cm, those on branches smaller, glabrous or sparsely puberulent along veins on both surfaces, base usually rounded, margins serrate, teeth pointed at apex, blade apex acuminate. Flowers terminal, usually in a dichasium of 3; pedicels 8-20 mm, hispidulous, usually without bracteoles, rarely with stalked and ± leaflike bracteoles. Calyx adnate to ovary up to ca. 1/3 of ovary; tube glabrous; lobes mostly 5 or 6, linear to linear-elliptic, 3-10 × 1-3 mm, entire or with 2-4 pairs of serrate teeth. Corolla pale blue, campanulate, 7-10 mm, 5- or 6-lobed to middle. Stamens 5 or 6, glabrous; filaments slightly dilated below. Ovary globose; stigma 5- or 6-fid. Berry white, oblate, 5- or 6-locular, up to 8 × 12 mm. Seeds extremely numerous. Fl. and fr. Jul-Jan.
Grassy slopes, thickets, woodlands; 800-2600 m. SE Xizang (Bomi, Mêdog, Zayü), S and W Yunnan [Bangladesh, NE India (Darjeeling, Sikkim), Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].