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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 19 | Berberidaceae | Gymnospermium

2. Gymnospermium microrrhynchum (S. Moore) Takhtajan, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad). 55: 1192. 1970.

牡丹草 mu dan cao

Leontice microrrhyncha S. Moore, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 377. 1879; L. microrrhyncha f. venosa (S. Moore) Kitagawa; L. microrrhyncha var. venosa S. Moore.

Herbs, ca. 30 cm tall. Tuber ca. 2 cm in diam. Stem erect, stramineous, herbaceous, succulent, with 1 leaf. Stipules 2, large, apex shallowly 2- or 3-lobed; leaf trifoliolate or biternate compound, herbaceous; petiolule ca. 2 cm; leaf blade abaxially pale green, adaxially green, 3-divided, lobes oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 cm, entire, apex blunt. Raceme terminal, simple, 5-10-flowered; peduncle ca. 8 cm. Pedicel 2-2.5 cm, slender; bracts broadly ovate, ca. 5 × 6 mm. Flowers pale yellow. Sepals 5 or 6, obovate, ca. 5 × 3 mm, apex blunt. Petals ca. 3 mm, apex truncate. Stamens ca. 4 mm. Pistil shortly stipitate or subsessile; ovary ovoid; ovules 2 or 3; style short; stigma truncate. Capsule globose, ca. 6 mm in diam., 5-valved. Seeds usually 2. Fl. Apr-May, fr. May-Jun.

Forests, forest margins; ca. 100 m. Jilin, Liaoning [Korea].


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