1. Neanotis boerhaavioides (Hance) W. H. Lewis, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 37. 1966.
卷毛新耳草 juan mao xin er cao
Hedyotis boerhaavioides Hance, J. Bot. 8: 73. 1870; Anotis boerhaavioides (Hance) Maximowicz.
Herbs, annual or perhaps perennial, procumbent, fleshy, regularly rooting at nodes; stems subterete to 4-angled and sulcate, moderately to densely pilosulous to hirtellous and/or hirsute in lines. Leaves subsessile or petiolate; petiole to 3 mm, pilosulous or hirtellous to glabrous; blade drying papery, ovate, lanceolate, ovate-orbicular, or lanceolate-elliptic, 1-2 × 0.4-1.5 cm, adaxially hirtellous, pilosulous, and/or hispidulous near margins, abaxially hirtellous to pilosulous, base cuneate to rounded or truncate, apex obtuse to acute; secondary veins 2 or 3 pairs; stipules triangular to rounded, 1-3 mm, hirtellous or pilosulous, lobe or bristle 1, 2-2.5 mm, ciliate, sometimes with 2 lateral bristles to 1.5 mm. Inflorescences axillary at middle and lower stem nodes, fasciculate, (1 or)2-5-flowered, hirtellous; bracts linear, 0.5-2 mm; peduncles 0.5-3.5 mm. Calyx moderately to densely pilosulous to hirtellous; hypanthium portion subglobose to obconic, 0.8-1 mm; limb divided essentially to base; lobes 4, narrowly triangular, 1.6-3 mm, ciliolate, acute. Corolla white to pale blue, shortly funnelform, outside glabrous; tube 2-3 mm, apparently pilose in throat; lobes narrowly ligulate to narrowly triangular, 3-4 mm. Capsule compressed globose to subglobose, 1.5-2 mm, hirtellous, smooth to weakly ridged. Fl. Apr-Aug, fr. Jul-Aug.
● Sparse forests on mountain slopes at middle elevations; 100-600 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang.
This species appears to be distylous (long-styled, Zhang Shaoyao 5681, short-styled Zhang Shaoyao 2416, both MO!). It is very similar to Hedyotis chrysotricha, which has calyx lobes ca. 2 mm and the corolla lobes 2.5-3 mm.