70a. Asplenium tenuicaule var. tenuicaule
细茎铁角蕨(原变种) xi jing tie jiao jue (yuan bian zhong)
Asplenium borealichinense Ching & S. H. Wu; A. hebeiense Ching & S. H. Wu.
Marginal teeth of pinnae obtuse to (sub)mucronate. Spores with a typical reticulate perispore, consisting of a thin basal endoperispore surrounding smooth exospore, an extensive middle perispore of rodlets (collumellae) subtending outer perisporal network of wide pori (1-3 µm) but only faint or no crests.
On trees or rocks in forests; 200-2900 m. Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan [Japan, Korea, Thailand; E Africa, Pacific islands (Hawaii)].
See spore illustrations in Y. L. Zhang et al. (Sporae Pterid. Sin. t. 77 b-c, t. 81 c-d; Pl. 51: 19-20; Pl. 52: 17-20. 1976).
The following names belong here but were not validly published because no Latin description or diagnosis, or reference to such, was provided (Melbourne Code, Art. 39.1): "Asplenium hopehense" (Ching in Y. L. Zhang et al., Sporae Pterid. Sin. 249. 1976), "A. miyunense" (Ching, Fl. Beijing, rev. ed., 1: 30. 1984), and "A. pseudovarians" (Ching, Fl. Beijing 1: 82. 1962).