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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Thelypteridaceae | Cyclogramma

5. Cyclogramma maguanensis Ching ex K. H. Shing, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 4(1): 322. 1999.

马关钩毛蕨 ma guan gou mao jue

Plants ca. 80 cm tall. Rhizomes creeping. Fronds approximate; stipes ca. 37 cm, bases blackish brown, with dense grayish white short hairs and occasionally with brown hairy thick small scales, distally stramineous, with sparse acicular hairs or subglabrous when old; laminae lanceolate, ca. 43 × 25 cm, not tapering to bases, pinnate-pinnatifid, acuminate and pinnatifid at apices; pinnae ca. 12 pairs, alternate, or several proximal pairs opposite or subopposite, pinnae below middle 1-3 mm stalked, lanceolate, 12-14 × 2.5-3 cm, subtruncate at bases, pinnatifid to 4/5 of distance to costae, long acuminate at apices; segments ca. 20 pairs, oblong, 8-12 × 5-6 mm, entire along margins and slightly recurved when dry, rounded-obtuse at apices. Veins evident abaxially, veinlets simple, ca. 12 pairs per segment, proximal pair arising from above base of costules and all reaching margins above sinus. Laminae herbaceous, when dry dark green abaxially, with grayish white acicular hairs along costae and veins, adaxially yellowish green, with dense appressed short acicular hairs along costal grooves, with dense hooked hairs on both sides of rachises, abaxially with brown triangular-lanceolate aerophores. Sori orbicular, dorsifixed at middle or above middle of veinlets, slightly above costules, 7-9 pairs per segment; sporangia each with 2-4 setae near annuli, setae hooked.

● Shaded wet places in forests on slopes; ca. 1000 m. SE Yunnan.


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