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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Thelypteridaceae | Pseudocyclosorus

25. Pseudocyclosorus angustipinnus Ching ex Y. X. Lin, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 4(1): 159, 329. 1999.

狭羽假毛蕨 xia yu jia mao jue

Plants to 90 cm tall. Rhizomes creeping, dark brown, woody, apices with brown scales. Fronds remote; stipes ca. 35 cm, bases dark brown, sparsely scaly, distally stramineous and glabrous; laminae lanceolate, ca. 50 × 16 cm, pinnate-pinnatifid, pinnatifid-acuminate at apices; proximal pair of pinnae reduced into auricles, second pair slightly shorter than above normal ones; normal pinnae ca. 25 pairs, spreading, alternate, sessile, lanceolate, 8-9 × ca. 1.5 cm, rounded-truncate at bases, pinnatifid nearly to costae, long acuminate at apices; segments ca. 20 pairs, ca. 6 × 3 mm, entire, rounded-obtuse at apices. Veins evident on both sides, costules raised on both sides, ca. 10 pairs of veinlets per segment, proximal pair arising above base of costules, acroscopic vein reaching bottom of sinus, basiscopic ones reaching margin above sinus. Laminae grayish green when dry, papery; abaxially with dense long acicular hairs along rachises, sparsely setaceous and with fine short hairs along costae and veins, also finely hairy on intercostal areas, adaxially densely appressed-setaceous along costal grooves, sparsely setaceous along veins, glabrous on intercostal areas. Sori orbicular, attached above middle of veinlets and close to margins, brown, thick, glabrous, persistent.

● Wet forests; ca. 1000 m. Guizhou (Fanjing Shan).

Pseudocyclosorus angustipinnus is similar to P. esquirolii but differs by the laminae hairy on intercostal area abaxially and the sori on distal parts of veinlets.


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