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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Athyriaceae | Deparia

15. Deparia auriculata (W. M. Chu & Z. R. Wang) Z. R. Wang
[comb. nov.]

大耳对囊蕨 da er dui nang jue

Rhizomes moderately stout, erect, clothed with dark brown, membranous, lanceolate scales at apices and stipe bases. Fronds caespitose; fertile fronds 80-90 cm; stipe stramineous, 10-25 cm, 4-7 mm in diam., with sparse brownish, hyaline, multicellular hairs, upward scales gradually sparse; lamina pinnate-pinnatipartite, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 20-63 × 7-18 cm, slightly narrowed or hardly narrowed to base, apex pinnatifid-acuminate; pinnae 12-22 pairs, middle pinnae alternate, spreading, lanceolate, 7-13 × 1.5-2.5 cm, base slightly broadened, subtruncate, pinnatipartite, apex acuminate; only few pairs of lower pinnae slightly or hardly shortened, abruptly prominently broadened at base, subopposite; segments ca. 18 pairs, oblong, separated from each other, ca. 8 × 4 mm, base adnate to narrow wing, basal acroscopic segments of basal pinnae prominently or slightly elongated, apex rounded-obtuse or obtuse. Veins visible abaxially, pinnate in segments, 5-7 pairs, simple, sometimes forked in lower segments of pinnae, ascending. Lamina herbaceous or subpapery when dried; rachis, costae, and veins abaxially with rather dense, thick, multicellular long hairs, with short multicellular hairs at sinus between pinna segments. Sori oblong or lunate, 4-7 sori per segment, 1-2 mm, approximate; indusia similar to sori, sometimes J-shaped at apices of lamina or pinnae, brownish, ciliate or prominently erose at margin, with some glandular-hairlike trichomes borne on back. Spores bilateral, perispore surface with rugate, rugate-saccate, or papillate processes.

● Under alpine shrubs, slightly shaded wet places, coniferous forests on mountain slopes; 2800-3600 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan.

Deparia auriculata is similar to D. giraldii in shape but differs by the basal acroscopic segments of the basal pair or several lower pairs of pinnae prominently enlarged and pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite; rachis and costae with rather dense, thick, long multicellular hairs abaxially; and indusia prominently ciliate at margin with glandular hairlike trichomes on the back.

1 Acroscopic basal lobes of lower pinnae prominently larger than others, pinnatipartite or pinnatilobate.   15a var. auriculata
+ Acroscopic basal lobes of lower pinnae slightly larger, toothed at margin.   15b var. zhongdianensis

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