18a. Deparia liangshanensis var. liangshanensis
凉山对囊蕨(原变种) liang shan dui nang jue (yuan bian zhong)
Basionym: Lunathyrium liangshanense Ching ex Z. R. Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 89. 1994.
Fertile fronds (50-)100 cm; middle pinnae 6-12 cm; indusia with short hairs or glabrous.
● Streamsides, forests, damp areas, alpine areas in mountains; 1900-2200 m. W Guizhou, SW Sichuan, Yunnan.
Deparia liangshanensis is similar to D. giraldii in shape but is easily recognized by numerous pairs of lower pinnae gradually shortened toward the base, basal pair of pinnae often auriculate, stipes shorter, with dense multicellular hairs throughout, segments also with multicellular long hairs at margin.
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