33. Deparia heterophlebia (Mettenius ex Baker) R. Sano, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 51(1): 17. 2000.
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Asplenium heterophlebium Mettenius ex Baker in Hooker & Baker, Syn. Fil. 243. 1867; Anisogonium heterophlebium (Mettenius ex Baker) Beddome; Athyrium heterophlebium (Mettenius ex Baker) Copeland; Dictyodroma heterophlebia (Mettenius ex Baker) Ching; Diplazium hemionitideum Christ; D. heterophlebium (Mettenius ex Baker) Diels; D. rude Christ.
Rhizome with dense scales at apex; scales brown, linear-lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, slightly curled; frond caespitose. Fertile frond up to 80 cm. Stipe brown, up to 30 cm, ca. 4 mm in diam., with dense smaller scales than on rhizome. Lamina pinnate, elliptic, up to 50 × 20 cm, herbaceous, slightly narrowed to base; free pinnae 1-5 pairs; basal pinnae slightly shorter, opposite or subopposite; upper pinnae sessile or very shortly stalked, slightly oblique, lanceolate, oblique or subfalcate, base truncate, margin often wavy, occasionally slightly lobed, apex acuminate, shortly pointed; pinna lobes symmetrical, wide, oval, apex blunt. Veins reticulate, distally free, evident. Lamina brown when dried; both sides of rachis, costae, and midribs coarse with small wormlike scales, or with short multicellular hairs, dense on abaxial side, sparse on adaxial side. Sori 2 or 3 pairs per veinlet group, double or single; indusia brown when mature. Spores semicircular. n = 41 (but needs reexamination).
Dense forests, on ground, cliffs; 1300-1600 m. Xizang (Moto), Yunnan [India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand].