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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Athyriaceae | Deparia

51. Deparia jinfoshanensis (Z. Y. Liu) Z. R. He
[comb. nov.]

金佛山对囊蕨 jin fo shan dui nang jue

Basionym: Athyriopsis jinfoshanensis Z. Y. Liu, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 4(3): 11. 1984.

Plants summer-green. Rhizome slender, creeping, deep below soil surface, dark black, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., apex with brown lanceolate scales; fronds distant to approximate. Fertile frond up to 1 m; stipe brown to dark brown at base, upward stramineous, 20-60 cm, 2-3 mm in diam. at base, scaly along entire length with pale brown, lanceolate to linear, translucent membranous scales, with nodose long soft hairs up to 3 mm; lamina narrowly elliptic or ovate, 25-60 × 20-25 cm, base not or slightly narrowed, apex acuminate; free pinnae ca. 10 pairs, ascending, basal pinnae sometimes reflexed, narrowly elliptic or linear-lanceolate, 3-16 × 1-4 cm, base truncate, shallowly cordiform or broadly cuneate, sessile or shortly stalked, with upper pinnae adnate, pinnatipartite near or to costa, apex acuminate or long acuminate; pinna lobes up to 20 pairs, subspreading, ligulate-oblong or obliquely oblong, margin crenate, apex rounded; veins pinnate with less than 8 pairs of veinlets, veinlets bifurcate, trifurcate, or simple. Lamina herbaceous, pale green abaxially, green adaxially when dry, or pale brown on both surfaces, darker adaxially; rachis with dense 2- or 3-cells-wide, light brown, thickly clathrate, hyaline, thinly linear scales 2-3 mm, with fewer pale brown, hyaline, often shrunken, thin nodose soft hairs, upper part of rachis less densely minutely scaly and nodose-hairy, abaxial side of costae with sparse, thin, nodose soft hairs, both sides of veinlets with ± gray-white nodose hairs, lamina between veinlets glabrous. Sori shortly linear, straight or subfalcate, 1-7 pairs per lobe, mostly single or double on basal acroscopic veinlets, medial-costular, proximal end near costule; indusia yellow-brown, membranous, glabrous, margin lacerate or erose, mostly flat when young, some incurved. Spores elliptic in polar view, semicircular in equatorial view, perispore surface with dense clavate projections.

● Broad-leaved forests; 1600-1900 m. Chongqing (Nanchuan), Guizhou (Tongzi).


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