38. Athyrium dentigerum (Wallich ex C. B. Clarke) Mehra & Bir, Amer. Fern J. 50: 279. 1960.
希陶蹄盖蕨 xi tao ti gai jue
Asplenium filix-femina (Linnaeus) Bernhardi var. dentigerum Wallich ex C. B. Clarke, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 1: 491. 1880; A. filix-femina f. dentigerum (Wallich ex C. B. Clarke) C. Hope; Athyrium attenuatum (Wallich ex C. B. Clarke) Tagawa f. dentigerum (Wallich ex C. B. Clarke) Khullar & Fraser-Jenkins; A. dentatum Ching (1986), not A. Gray (1821); A. filix-femina (Linnaeus) Roth var. dentigera (Wallich ex C. B. Clarke) Beddome; A. lancipinnulum Ching; A. leiboense Ching & Y. T. Hsieh; A. oblongum Ching; A. squamipes Ching; A. supranigrescens Ching; A. tsaii Ching.
Rhizomes short, erect, apex densely clothed with brown, broadly lanceolate scales. Fronds caespitose; fertile fronds (30-)65-120 cm; stipe blackish brown at base, upward brown-stramineous, (5-)27-67 cm, (2.5-)6-7 mm in diam., base similarly scaly, upward with sparse smaller scales; lamina 2-pinnate, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, (25-)70-85 × (7-)20-28 cm at middle, base narrowed, apex acuminate; pinnae 18-25 pairs, alternate, ascending, shortly stalked or sessile, numerous pairs of lower pinnae gradually shortened; middle pinnae lanceolate, (3.5-)16-18 × (1.2-)2.7-3 cm, base truncate, subequilateral, parallel to rachis on acroscopic side, narrowly cuneate on basiscopic side, pinnatifid to pinnate, apex long acuminate; pinnules pinnatipartite, 10-30 pairs, basal pinnules opposite, upper pinnules alternate, subspreading, narrowly lanceolate, 1.2-1.6 cm × 3-5 mm at middle, base subequilateral and rounded-truncate, decurrent and adnate to costa on basiscopic side, pinnatifid to 1/2, apex acuminate; pinnule segments 6-8 pairs, subtriangular, approximate, oblique, with 2 or 3 short teeth at apex; veins visible on both surfaces, lateral veins 1 or 2 pairs per segment, simple. Lamina subpapery or herbaceous when dried, greenish brown adaxially, pale green abaxially, glabrate on both surfaces; rachis and costae brown-stramineous, with sparse small scales and squarrose-glandular hairs abaxially. Sori mostly oblong or elliptic, inframedial on acroscopic veins, 5-8 pairs per pinnule, biseriate on both sides of costule; indusia brownish, oblong, J-shaped or horseshoe-shaped, membranous, erose or somewhat ciliate at margin, persistent. Perispore surface without folds. 2n = 80.
Forests, grassy slopes on mountains; 2000-3900 m. SE Gansu, Guizhou, W Sichuan, Xizang, N Yunnan [N India, Myanmar].
"Polypodium dentigerum" (Wallich, Numer. List, no. 334. 1829) belongs here but is a nomen nudum and was not therefore validly published (Melbourne Code, Art. 38.1(a)).