164. Dryopteris medogensis (Ching & S. K. Wu) Li Bing Zhang, Taxon. 61: 1210. 2012.
墨脱鳞毛蕨 mo tuo lin mao jue
Diacalpe medogensis Ching & S. K. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 196. 1983; D. laevigata Ching & S. H. Wu.
Rhizome short, erect, apex densely covered with brown scales; scales lanceolate, 0.4-0.7 cm, thickly membranous, entire, acuminate. Fronds tufted; stipe 22-32 cm, central part 1.5-3 mm in diam., brown, stramineous upward, densely covered with scales as on rhizome, smaller upward; lamina ovate, 20-40 × 18-22 cm, quadripinnatifid, papery, green when dry, apex acuminate; pinnae 14-22 pairs, basal ones opposite, with short stalk ca. 4 mm, close together, basal pair largest, ovate-lanceolate, 15-20 × 7-8 cm, 5-5.5 cm apart from second pinnae, tripinnatifid, apex acuminate; pinnules 13-21 pairs, alternate upward, with short stalk 0.5-1 mm, 1.5-1.8 cm apart, basiscopic 1 or 2 pinnules usually enlarged, lanceolate, 5-6 × 1-2 cm, bipinnatifid, base nearly symmetrical, apex obtuse, with 3-7 acute teeth; ultimate pinnules 8-11 pairs, elliptic, with short stalk ca. 1 mm, distant, elliptic, 0.8-1.2 × 0.4-0.6 mm, base cuneate, pinnatipartite to ultimate rachis, apex rounded, with 3 or 4 short teeth; lobes 2-4 pairs, distant, elliptic, 3.5-5 × 1.5-2 mm, apex rounded, terminal part subentire or with 2 or 3 teeth; rachis and rachillae brown stramineous, shallowly grooved on adaxial side, base sparsely covered with brown nodose hairs and small scales; veins obvious abaxially, brown, pinnate on lobes, veinlets simple or furcate, submarginal. Sori globose, ca. 1 mm in diam., enveloped by indusium, 1 in each ultimate pinnule or lobe; indusium brown, globose, leathery, dehisced into 2 or 3 irregular valves from top when mature.
● Broad-leaved forests; 1800-1900 m. Xizang, Yunnan.
Dryopteris medogensis is similar to D. pseudocaenopteris but differs by the rachis and each rachillae subglabrous and the pinnule apex obtuse, with 3-7 small acute teeth.